Masons Lead Better

Masons Lead Better

Masons Lead Better is now in its second year. This year there will be two workshops presented.

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Masons Lead Better is now in its second year.  This year there will be two workshops presented.

The first is entitled, Becoming Masonry and, with some modifications, will be the same material presented the previous Masonic year. This interactive workshop focuses on personal development and using the tools and lessons presented in the Masonic degrees.

  1. Open to all Masons (EA, FC & MM) – limited to 50 Brothers per workshop
  2. Will be presented in 12 strategic/geographic selected locations
  3. Workshop will be 6 hours in length
  4. Registrations can be made on the Masons Lead Better website:  click here.

The second workshop is entitled The Masonic Leader’s Trestle Board. This content will continue the dialogue that began this Masonic year and will present those participants’ vision for Masonry in Ohio and their statements about the purpose of Masonry (Our Why). Using these statements as examples, the Brothers will be introduced to practical steps to institute, lead and manage change in their individual lodges.

  1. Open to Masons who have attended a Becoming Masonry workshop – limited to
  2. 50 Brothers per workshop
  3. Will be presented in 8 strategic/geographic selected locations
  4. Workshop will be 6 hours in length
  5. Registrations can be made on the Masons Lead Better website:  click here.

Tags: grandlodge